The House Price Index: PUMA Chicago Lawn West Englewood Englewood Greater Grand Crossing

Descriptive Statistics of the House Price Indices and Changes

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
         HPI |        282    142.1058    51.69075   81.19184    283.118
     HPI_Y2Y |        270    3.649019    16.44077  -48.30495   39.83429
     HPI_M2M |        281    .3325276    2.574003  -7.471849   22.53097

Recent House Price Indices and Changes 

  | year_month      HPI      RPI   HPI_Y2Y   RPI_Y2Y   HPI_M2M   RPI_M2M |
  |    2020/06   175.53   208.28     20.15     39.49      3.11      7.94 |
  |    2020/07   176.72   192.07     20.98     23.84      0.67     -8.10 |
  |    2020/08   183.18   209.47     23.69     29.33      3.59      8.67 |
  |    2020/09   188.68   201.10     25.90     27.42      2.95     -4.08 |
  |    2020/10   196.63   224.86     28.95     40.05      4.13     11.17 |
  |    2020/11   204.61   215.83     32.91     24.39      3.98     -4.10 |
  |    2020/12   209.07   230.64     35.46     26.45      2.16      6.64 |
  |    2021/01   216.64   240.79     34.73     32.97      3.55      4.31 |
  |    2021/02   228.79   255.85     36.97     39.11      5.46      6.06 |
  |    2021/03   234.42   263.93     39.83     33.61      2.43      3.11 |
  |    2021/04   235.64   257.68     35.67     21.45      0.52     -2.40 |
  |    2021/05   234.33   255.69     32.00     28.45     -0.56     -0.77 |
  |    2021/06   234.00   252.63     28.75     19.31     -0.14     -1.20 |

HPI: Hedonic House Price Index, RPI: Repeat Sale House Price Index, SE_: Seasonally Adjusted
Data Source: Closed Transaction Data from the Multiple Listing Service